Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Preparing for Haiti

It's been crazy already, but since we put the word out that we are going to Haiti, we have sensed the Lord working and preparing, not only our hearts, but also the details.
We have shots and medicine and almost all of our gear. We found out that we will need to bring in all of our food for 3 weeks. Steve Spellman, who spent 13 days there, told us that he would have traded clothes for food. So we're bringing very little clothing, food for ourselves and as much food for others as we can. God's people have generously given us power bars, beef jerky and other great things. What we really desire is to be clothed with power from on high. Will you pray for that?
We appreciate you checking out our first blog.
Mike and Linda


  1. Love you, Mom and Dad! I'm so proud to be your daughter, and i know God will use you in haiti, like he has everywhere you've gone. I'll be praying!


  2. Hi Mike and Linda,
    I just received an e-mail from Pr. Werner Kroker from Blumenau/SC, asking to pray for you, as you are going to Haiti. I will be praying for you all when you are there. May God bless you with the double portion.
