Monday, February 22, 2010

day 13 - long, frustrating, yucky day we won't be complaining about

The day started with a 4.7 Richter scale earthquake at 4:30 in the morning. The good news is we are totally safe. Thank you Lord.

I called to confirm the kid’s club with the organizers last night, but when we got there we were told that it is next week. The good news is that we were able to deliver the food for the street the fell through the cracks.

A bunch of us have stomach issues now. The good news is we have medicine and enough food options to keep things bland. Who in Port au Prince can say that?

Our new generator stopped working, the wiring on the house is messed up, our construction materials didn’t show up, but our neighbors loaned us a generator, our amazing teammate Rob is making headway on the electrical system and the guys found other important things to do and had a productive day.

I spent about 6 hours in the cab of a pick-up truck today and came home wringing wet, dirty, hot and tired. The good news is I didn’t have to do it in a bus, walking, or pushing wheelbarrow on the hot tar. (I also got burnt. That’s good, by the way. (Remember, I’ve spent the winter in Minnesota).

When I try to complain, I am reminded of how amazingly blessed I am. I will sleep in a dry place tonight, with my amazing wife in the mosquito net next to me. My kids are safe and well in MN. And above all my Lord loves me, has given my life, purpose, joy and eternal life.

I will go to bed grateful to the Lord for His inexplicable grace.


PS Please keep praying. We’re grateful, but would rather experience “different” things tomorrow J.


  1. Praying for you...and may better days be ahead....
    Having Haiti(even though I haven't been YET)as perspective- really changes how one deals with the minor annoyances in Latin America--because, yes, my eldest are safe and happy in the US, we have a roof over our heads and food choices and clean warm clothes daily.

    Hug Linda for me!

  2. love you so much and miss you!!! i pray all the time, and can't wait for you to get back. i just had to write when i saw ur hat. u look amazing, dad!

