Friday, February 19, 2010

day 10

Day 10


Literally every day God has brought us in contact with amazing people, whether Haitian pastors, American missionaries or solid Haitian and American believers.   These last days we had the privilege of spending a great deal of time with a Haitian man named Aaron.   Aaron’s mom had 7 daughters before she finally had a boy.   One day when Aaron was two he stopped breathing.   Aaron said it like this, “I died”.  Instead of bringing him to the doctor, his mother gathered her daughters and they prayed.   After 2 hours (seriously, 2 hours) Aaron came back to life.  His mother knew that God had a special plan for him, so she dedicated him to God.   Sensing that Aaron had special gifts and feeling that she herself did not have the wherewithal to help him, she dedicated him to God and brought him to a wonderful Christian orphanage.  He was four and kicked and screamed when he was left.   When he was eight years old his mother signed adoption papers, so that he could become an American citizen.   Yes, Aaron’s mother pulled a Samuel, giving him over to God’s service.   And he ended up in a beautiful Christian home with missionaries.   Aaron has had constant contact with his birth-mother and his sisters.  


He ended up going to Bible School in California.  He had a personal dream of one day adopting a Haitian child and raising him in the US.  Over time, however, he became an evangelist and God gave him a larger vision, of building an orphanage and a school in his country of Haiti.   God has provided him land and help from churches and good hearted believers.   Within the next few months he and his wife will break ground and begin the ministry God has called them to.   ReachGlobal (us) will be partnering with him to bring teams to Haiti to help build this orphanage. What a privilege. We are so happy to know him and look forward to joining others in helping them touch orphans here in Haiti. 

Will you pray for this wonderful couple and the orphanage which will be built?


We were asked this afternoon to lead a kid’s club for a group of churches TOMORROW MORNING.   There should be between 50 and 100 children there.   The gals have been quite calm as they scramble to prepare for this.   The women-folk might appreciate your prayers for this J (me too, though I’m just along for the ride and to play with the kids – one more kid won’t hurt).    I know that they will do great!


Always for Him,





  1. Hi...could you tell me, this the orphanage that is going to be built in Source Matelas, or are there plans yet as to where this one will be built? I'm curious because our youth group is raising the funds to complete a well at Source Matelas, and I know they are going to build an orphanage there. Just wondered if it was Aaron's. Thanks in advance for your reply. We are praying for all of you as you help the haitians. God bless!

  2. Mike e Linda,
    Ótimo trabalho... eu e Moisés estamos orando por voces e pelos Haitianos. Deus abençoe!
